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2nd Quarter 2022 Newsletter

What's Been Happening?
We continue to enjoy meeting new couples through our BootCamp and SYMBIS.  Each time a couple takes the initiative to be INTENTIONAL with their future marriage, we know God is pleased. They are learning and/or refreshing what God's design of marriage looks like compared to the world's view of marriage. When one actually takes the time to examine the two, it becomes obvious they really are polar opposite views. Since God created marriage, it makes all the sense in the world to learn His intent for marriage and walk in His design for marriage.

Sissy enjoyed another ladies group coaching session in April. Each lady went through a process to discover her top values. Then, she created a Values Board to have as a reminder when we are not living according to our values, life will not seem to run as smooth. As well as group coaching, Sissy continues to coach individual ladies and is enjoying the journey these ladies are moving forward in as God directs their paths.

Heart Builder is developing our social media presence. We would greatly appreciate if you would take a couple of minutes and click the links below and give us a "follow" and "like." Any of your friends that would be interested in what we do, please share our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter with them as well. We are trying to get the word out so couples can have more information to use as they build their marriages.

At the bottom of this newsletter you will find details regarding the EXPLDOE Marriage Conference presented by Heart Builder and hosted by the Freedom Center Church. It is the desire of this ministry to provide opportunities for couples to grow and develop marital relationships according to God's design. That is exactly what the EXPLODE Marriage Conference will provide. Couples attending this conference will be given tools to help them EXPLODE their relationships to the next level.

Heart Builder is moving forward with great momentum and we are focusing on hearts. God is looking at our hearts. As we focus on building Wholly Healthy Hearts, relationships start to take on an improved dynamic. How is your heart?

Heart Builder Ministries Inc.
Heart Builder Ministries
Heart Builder Ministries
Cappuccino Heart 
As many of you know, God has been speaking to me (Sissy) through hearts for a while now. So it was no surprise when the ministry changed the name to "Heart Builder Ministries." God has done it once again. Check out the three images of a recent cappuccino (above) that I enjoyed one morning.

It was such a nice surprise to receive my cappuccino with the beautiful heart design. I instantly wondered,  "Okay God what are you speaking to me?" At that time, I was not sure what He was trying to say.  It is not uncommon for a cappuccino to come out with a design, which two of the most popular are hearts and leaves. I thought perhaps it means nothing...wrong!

However, the meaning started to come to life when I was drinking the cappuccino. If you noticed Image 1, the cup is filled to the rim (just like I like it). I looked down and saw that the heart had not changed after drinking several sips of it (Image 2). That struck me as odd. I even pointed it out to Doug. I did not "intentionally" try to save the heart design. I had already taken a photo of the pretty design when it came out because I liked it. Now, I took a picture because the heart remaining exactly as it was brought out, that was strange? My curiosity was peaked at this point and I couldn't keep my eyes off the heart. Each time I took a sip I did so just as I would normally drink my cappuccino. In other words, I was not "trying" to keep the heart design. If this was God, I wanted it to be Him and not me.

As I continued to enjoy my drink and as seen in Image 3, the heart was not going anywhere. The drink was almost to the bottom and yet, the heart was still there. However at this point, the heart did appear to be more stretched. Sad to say, I eventually drank that pretty little heart and it was good to the last drop :-)

In Image 1, the cup is filled to the brim just like our hearts after being filled with the presence of God. We walk away from our time with God, refreshed, restored, and renewed. We find it easier to accept our spouses behaviors that are somewhat irritating or frustrating. We do not seem to get easily angered by things, even in this crazy world we live in. We have an inner peace that can only come from being in God's presence and getting our cup filled. This is the place where many of us desire to live 24/7. However, if we are honest, life happens and we start to skip our time in God's presence because at the moment it "appears" to be the easiest way to get more time. 

After a couple of days of not spending time with God, we may start to feel like Image #2. Our heart is still yearns for God's presence, but we are not full to the rim. Life is starting to get a little more challenging. Those annoying behaviors of our spouse, children, family members, and/or co-workers are not so easy to brush off. Although we might not actually say anything, we definitely can feel the irritation and rub inside. However, at this point we are able to stuff it down and move on.

As time goes on, we have been so busy and our time with God is really slighted. Just as Image #3 shows, now our heart is starting to feel stretched. We are not equipped and full any longer for anything, except behaviors that are near to perfection. And let's face it, perfection does not exist. No longer do we keep silent. We let any and everyone know that they need to "straighten up." You might say there is no more "Mr. Nice Guy." Our hearts desperately need a filling from the sitting in the presence of God. It becomes clear that we took time from the one area we cannot afford to give up.

The beauty of this whole scenario is God has never left us. He is always with us and simply waiting to fill us to overflowing. With God's filling us up, it is not like the gas pump either...there is no increase of price for completely filling up the tank. Quite the contrary, there is NO money required. All one has to do is carve out the time. Before you start thinking, "I don't have time," let me ask you, "What other areas are getting more time?" You see we all make time for those things that are a priority to us. So the question we must ask ourselves is...Do I value my time with God enough to prioritize His time with me?

The next time you are feeling more irritable, less in control of your emotions, how might it benefit you and those you love the most to FIND time to get in the presence of your Heavenly Father. What would a reset of your heart do for your life? Better yet, what would it do for your Father's Heart for you to choose to spend time with Him?
Pre-Marriage/Marriage Bootcamp IN-PERSON 
Saturday, July 16, 2022 9 AM to 5 PM

ENGAGED? MARRIED? WE WANT YOU to join us for BootCamp!

Engaged? Did you insure her ring? Better yet, what marriage insurance have you purchased? We believe Pre-Marriage BootCamp and other pre-marriage training can act as a form of "Marital Insurance" if you will by strengthening your relationship. Added bonus...get $60 off your Texas Marriage License! You have absolutely NOTHING to lose and EVEYTHING to gain when you attend our Pre-Marriage BootCamp. Don't delay, register today!

Newly married or married since dirt... However, you value your marriage and want a refresher or even new tools? We got you covered! We are confident that when you spend one Saturday at BootCamp, you will walk away with something to enhance and/or grow your relationship. Skeptical? You will never know until you give BootCamp a try!

Do you know couples who are looking to anchor their marriages? Gift them a BootCamp or better yet, make it a double date. Learning doesn't have to be boring, join the fun!
Register for BootCamp NOW

Celebration Corner - Newlyweds

We CELEBRATE marriage! Please join us in congratulating and celebrating the special union of this beautiful couple. They attended BootCamp and/or SYMBIS. As they have become husband and wife, we pray God's empowering presence to walk with them for many years ahead. Congratulations to the beautiful newlyweds!
Ken and Lynelle
What are you "sick of?"
We all have something. This message is worth the 51 minutes to watch.
Caprese Avocado Salad
Spring Rolls with Peanut Sauce
Marinated Tuna Steaks
Frozen Banana Chewies


Maverick City Music & Kirk Franklin
The ‘Kingdom’ Tour

The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, The Woodlands, TX
Friday, 08 July 2022 @ 6:45 PM

Hillsong UNITED/Lauren Daigle/TAYA/Benjamin Hastings/Ryan Ellis


August 11, 2022 @ 7 PM


September 9, 2022 @ 6:30pm-8:30pm
Freedom Community Center - Missouri City, TX
Ladies, "Discover who you REALLY are!" 

Register NOW, Limited Spots

Heart Builder - EXPLODE Marriage Conference
Hosted by Freedom Center Church,  Missouri City, TX

Friday, October 14th  - 7 PM - 9PM (Dessert Bar after)
Saturday, October 15th - 9 AM - 3 PM (Lunch included)
(Child Care provided both days)

Click to Register NOW!
We want to hear from you...let us know what you like, dislike or any suggestions for future newsletters.
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Heart Builder Ministries is a 501c(3) organization and welcomes any and all donations to help us continue to educate singles and engaged couples PRIOR to engagement and marriage! Should you feel led to donate any amount or become a monthly partner of any amount, please click the "Donate Now" button below.

We greatly appreciate all donations and prayer support! Blessings to each of you!
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Copyright © 2021 Heart Builder Ministries, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Heart Builder Ministries
24200 Southwest Fwy. #403-139
Rosenberg, TX 77471

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