Quarterly Update

1st Quarter 2019

Welcome to our first quarterly newsletter!

We will be discussing what's new to the ministry, what's coming soon, and what's happening now. 

We want to hear from you...let us know what you like, dislike or any suggestions for future newsletters.

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What's Been Happening?

2019 kicked off with a BANG! We attended the Bridal Extravaganza January 5 - 6  at George R. Brown. We met some amazing future brides and grooms. We had a wonderful show and have already provided pre-marriage prep to some of the couples we met.

In February, we had our first opportunity to reach singles at Houston Baptist University. We presented a summary of "Love: INSANITY vs INSIGHT. We were so excited when asked to offer the COMPLETE six-weeks series!

After working with engaged couples, we have discovered that ideally reaching singles BEFORE their hearts are involved is IMPORTANT! Our passion and goal is to provide as much education and training regarding God's design for relationships PRIOR to engagement and marriage. When an individual and/or couple put in the "hard-work" on the front end of a relationship, there will be less damage control later.

In March, we kicked off the FULL  6-week series for "Love: INSANITY vs INSIGHT." The singles who have been attending these meetings are eager to learn ways to help better equip themselves for the dating world and future marriages. We are looking forward to the last half of this series with this great group!

In addition to the above, we have been providing pre-marriage prep. We have held monthly Pre-Marriage BootCamps as well as administering the SYMBIS assessment to couples, one-on-one.  We love being able to spend time with these couples and impart God's design of a marriage relationship!

We have been blessed abundantly this quarter and look forward to what God has in store for the rest of the year!
How Committed Are You?

Don't you love it when marriage is running at its "Optimum Level?" Everything is GOOD! However, there are other times, when marriage might sometimes feel like a 'death crawl" due to added weight. Key word is feel.

Have you ever felt like your spouse is not "carrying their weight?" Could it possibly be they NEED you to "Not Quit on Them?" Are you willing to feel the "burn," "the hurt," ...Marriage is not ALWAYS going to FEEL GOOD; however, we must "Not Quit on Me!"

God has not QUIT on us and we MUST NOT QUIT!
YOUR marriage is YOUR ministry to YOUR spouse!

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Pre-Marriage Bootcamp
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Education is your "best friend" especially when it pertains to marriage. We educate ourselves in every other area of life, so please don't neglect marriage! 

Join us for a full day of interactive pre-marriage BootCamp. We will uncover enemies that all our relationships stumble upon at some point or another.
Learn More About Event

Celebration Corner - Newlyweds

We are so excited to CELEBRATE and CONGRATULATE these wonderful couples. Each couple attended one of our Pre-Marriage BootCamp meetings or completed the SYMBIS assessment. They were INTENTIONAL in their start and we pray blessings over each of them as they continue "Two Becoming ONE!"

NO PLAN B!!!  

Marcus & April Washington
January 4, 2019
Chase and Kristyn Parchman
October 20, 2018
Chuck & Lisa Dickson
July 28, 2018
Jake & Ronna Clawson
March 16, 2019
Healthy & Tasty Recipes
Morning Glory Muffins
Healthy Energy Bites
Turmeric Latte

Fun Date Night Ideas

Guided Painting Class
Dream Dinners
Escape the Room

Don't forget to have FUN! Schedule those "Date Nights." We have given a few ideas and put links for your convenience. Make sure to check out Groupon. It is a great source to help the pocketbook while having fun with the one you love! Enjoy!!

Be INTENTIONAL and ATTEND Marriage Enrichment Opportunities

 A day with Jimmy Evans and others at
XO Marriage Conference 2019 - April 6th


Join Emerson Eggerichs, author of "Love and Respect," and others at

Spark 2019 – A Marriage Conference - August 23-24


Pitcher Ministries is a 501c(3) organization and welcomes any and all donations to help us continue to educate singles and engaged couples PRIOR engagement and marriage! Should you feel led to donate any amount or become a monthly partner of any amount, please click the "Donate Now" button below.

We greatly appreciate all donation and prayer support! Blessings to each of you!
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